Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Responce Part 1-Chp. 1-4

After reading the first few pages what really caught my eye was determining what I as the writer want to really accomplish out of my writing. I read over the 7 keys that help determine the direction, but the meanings/ definitions were a little vague to me. For me, making a web of those 7 keys with ideas coming from each would better help me get my ideas across to coming up with a direction. This would also fall into the brainstorming category would it not? There was a part in the reading that said, "what attracts your eye first," which I thought was a good point for people to remember; can you connect what caught your eye to the rest of the message from the writer? As you read thinking about what impresses you about the writing can also be a tool used to understand more about what your are reading. I feel that making notes as you read, which im sure most of you do already, is another great way of making sense of confusing pieces of writing.

I didn't really understand the phrase Can You Trust The Writer. I know it's dealing with credibility, but what factors or how can you tell in the writing that it's credible knowledge being put down? Usually after my first two paragraphs I feel that my writing takes a turn and I sometimes go in a totally different direction than my previous paragraphs. I don't know if this is due to poor research, ideas, organization, or just flat out losing site on what I am trying to say. Anyone with ideas or similar problem? I feel that my conclusion is not up to par either because I have become off track. I have trouble wrapping up what I am saying and usually state some key points and that's it. I want to be able to leave the reader with more and not read something for the second time. Need some help there too!